Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Hey, so as the title says, I'm going to be leaving again, sorry. I am going back up to camp, and rest assured, I will take lots of photos. I will be working on my fort with my father. I can't wait for it to be done, it's gonna be so cool. I just finished packing my clothes for the trip, five days worth of clothes is a lot heavier than you'd think. Oh and I just finished writing another song and I'm really liking this new hobby of mine. You know, the writing songs practically every single morning and such. Since I won't be back for a few days, I'm going to be writing out my posts each night in a word document. When I get back on Sunday, I'll post them each separately with the date as the title. Okay, that's pretty much it I think. I need to finish packing and doing my chores, See you when I see you. :)

Monday, July 30, 2012


Sorry for that previous post, I am sad. My head isn't always the happiest place on earth. But I survive, and I'm sure that you can survive that little post of sadness.

Anyways, I just finished the first season of Supernatural and HOLY CRAP. There was a huge plot twist at the end that I didn't see coming at all. Just out of the blue. Last ten seconds of the season. Definitely a great hooker for the next season though. Ok, bye I have to go get the next season and then go to bed because it's nine and I have to get my sleep habits regular again for this next week. (I'll be up north and getting up at ungodly hours to start work on my fort)

Night all.

Sleep is good.

So, not much has happened that was blog worthy, besides me sleeping in until twelve thirty because I stayed up until four. Oh yeah, and Megan was over last night and watched some Supernatural with me. That was fun. Although we did discuss some less than pleasant topics too. To Olivia: Sorry that I didn't tell you another way. I knew that Megan would share the Letters. I hope I didn't scare you both too bad. I needed some way to tell you but I couldn't seem to find the right time to do it. The opportunity arose, and I took it.

There must be something wrong with me. I'm broken. But I stuff it on the inside, and smile like nothing is wrong. Today's a bad day. A very very bad day. I'm sad. So very sad, and I can't figure out why.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

That awesome weekend

Alrighty, so here's the deal, first of all you should make sure you're comfortable and have something to snack on because this is going to be an extremely long post. Ready? Good.

Today has been a very nice day so far. My mom got me up at a decent time so I didn't sleep in or anything. We went down to the campground (my parents own it, and I help run the place) and had coffee with my grandma and grandpa Clark. They are so cool, they just showed up the night before, no warning what so ever. (They leave their camper there all summer and just come up every now and then to use it.) So I got to talk to them, which was nice. While we were there I got some really cool photos of the blackberry bushes and some generally cool plants. I also got a really cool photo of the horseshoes on the backboard of the horseshoe pits. 

okay so that's that section of photos down.

Before we even left for the campground though, I almost forgot that I took these pictures, but here they are. Photos of my brother's fort. And a few other choice ones from previous weekends of my camp. Enjoy.

Other than that nothing has happened that is too exciting. :)

This whole section is for Saturday, because I was at camp, where there is no internet.

So, today was amazing. I got to wake up to the birds singing outside my window this morning at camp. It was very nice and special for me because I hardly ever get to sleep in that late, and I certainly won’t get to next week. I’ll be up here for almost a whole week, working on my fort with my father. It’s going to be so cool when it’s done. I promise to take some pictures of our progress. I still need to show you some good pictures of my camp too don’t I? Hmm. Anyways, was super psyched to see the opening ceremony of the Olympics, but by the time we got up to camp last night, it was already an hour in and I missed the part I wanted to see the most. Oh well, at least I got to see the rest of it. I’m actually watching the swimming competitions now and I was a bit disappointed with Micheal Phelps’ performance this year. But Olympic disappointments aside, I did do something amazing today.
Today, I went golfing with my mom and her best friend (Kim) and her best friend’s husband (Tom). Tom is an avid golfer so I was more than a bit out of my league when I was golfing with them. Doesn’t really help that I am a really crappy golfer, no joke.  Anyways, we went golfing and I did so much better than I normally do, that I was just grinning this ridiculously large smile for the rest of the day and nothing could wipe it off of my face. I literally shaved about twelve strokes off of my game which is monumental. I was so excited when I finally figured out how to make my drives go straight (which they haven’t for literally two full years.) I could’ve just died with happiness. It was a great feeling.
This weekend, Saturday in particular, I finally started reading my copy of Artemis Fowl The Last Guardian. Good god, I never knew I could read that fast until now. 328 pages in a grand total of about two hours. Maybe an extra twenty minutes somewhere in there.  If you are into this series or have read any of Eoin Colfer’s books, you know what I mean when I say, WHYYYY??? WHY WOULD HE DO THIS TO US??? STUPID LIFE RUINERS. (Cliffhangers that aren’t cliffhangers because cliff hangers imply a sort of hope, these endings leave no hope and are therefore, life ruiners.)
Anyways, after all that I haven’t really done much else today besides starting a sketch based off of a line from The Last Guardian. Unfortunately since I am a crap artist, it might take a little bit of refining until I am ready to share it.  Well my mom wants to go to bed and she wants to be sure that I won’t stay up… so I gotta go.  Night all.

Friday, July 27, 2012


Oh, my. I think I might be dying on the inside. Just a little bit. I am reading everyone's freak outs about the Olympic opening in London tonight and I'm dying because I don't get to see it until seven tonight. WHY CAN'T THEY AIR IT AT THE SAME TIME IN EVERY COUNTRY??? WHYYYYYY?

Anyways, I'm going to be watching that tonight, but I'll be watching it from my cabin in another state, where I just so happen to also have ZERO internet so I'll be back on Monday. I didn't get to take those pictures of the recycled paper for you, but I will get that done Sunday night when I get back. I'm going to be writing down stuff about my favorite parts to share with you on Monday or Sunday when I get back so I don't forget. :3 Other than that, I'm going golfing this weekend and then I'm gonna be doing something else in Marienett. Don't know what anymore, I'm far too forgetful for my own good.

All I'm bringing up north this weekend is my sketchbook, my computer with my tablet, and a book. That's it. I feel like I haven't packed this light in years- oh wait I haven't. :) Sorry for the relatively short post but my stuff needs to be packed and I don't have much time if I want to be able to at my Cabin before the Olympic Opening starts at seven.

Good day to you, And see you on Monday (or Sunday if we're lucky.) I'll try to take some good photos for this blog. :)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Adobe Flash

Okay, so I decided I wanted to start playing around with animation again. Hence, getting Adobe Flash CS5. I used it briefly before last summer, during my time at an art camp, so I know my way around the program. If I ever manage to get this episode of Lili and Milor done, I'll put a link to it so you all can go check it out. I was so excited this morning when I logged onto my blogger account to see that my page views had doubled. Hello my friends in Britain and Germany! You two were my first page views from another country besides my own. Thanks for that.

My mom and my brother both "forgot" to grab some batteries for my camera last night so I have to wait until my dad comes home to take more pictures. i make some more recycled paper last night and I'm gonna finish up the batch I have going today. If I don't use all the pulp in the water today, I'll save it for next time. but yeah, my paper is rectangle this time and when I get my camera batteries, I'll take pictures of the new ones and the old circle ones for y'all.

Yep, that's about it. I'm gonna go back to animating now. bye.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Well, time flew

Not literally, of course. But it seems like it was just yesterday that I was blogging on here, but it was months ago. Now, I know that nobody ever reads this, but it feels nice to think that someone does. And so, as ever, I direct my thoughts to you, Reader. Right about now, it's nine thirty and I'm curled up in my chair with my knockoff brand snuggie, typing this for you. Usually I don't put very much thought into what I type and just type what comes to mind, but tonight will be different, because there is a lot on the agenda.
First and foremost, since last I posted, I finished my first year of high school. (Yeah, I survived. I'm surprised too.)  I also finished my Driver's ed class, so I can drive with an adult now. woo. I had a friend from last summer return. She's from France, she was my foreign exchange student last summer. This summer she brought her whole family back with her. And while they were here, they invited me to come visit them in France next summer for a whole month. My mom says that we would have to find a really big reason for me not to go. :) So it sounds like I'll be in France next summer. Other than that, I haven't really done much.

I am starting to get into photography and making recycled paper so I'll give you a few pictures that I took this morning of my pets and maybe later I'll get a good picture of my papers and of the food I made for supper, the food looked so pretty, it should be illegal.
That was my dog, Hunter and below is my adorable cat, Sasha.

I made this amazing breakfast a few weeks ago and I thought it looked so pretty it deserved a picture.

This was my second time making supper for my family, and it turned out great. It was like a big omlet with potatoes and spinach in it with a sauce that you put on top, you can sorta see it off to the side, that was delicious. 

This was my supper tonight, cod fillets over strings of cooked zuchinni, green bell peppers, and sliced mushrooms.

Pictures aside, I think that there isn't that much more to tell for tonight, I'm kinda upset that I let myself fall away from the habit of blogging, because I really do enjoy sharing my life anonymously with people. (People meaning no one because no one looks at this crappy little blog. :( ) Maybe I'll let my friends come look at this blog when they wanna know what I'm up to, they are always complaining that they don't know what is happening in my life but I feel like I'm already always talking about myself, so I always try to ask about them. *frustration*

I've just realized that I've fallen into my age old habit of rambling again, so I bid you goodnight.