Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Today was a rather interesting day. I left you all with a promise to blog each night and post them when I return, and this is me keeping that promise. Right now I’m actually still on the way up to the camp, at eight thirtyish at night. We had a few stops to make on the way, so we had about another two hours tacked onto our trip. We went to go visit my Grandmother Lorna. She is actually currently residing in an assisted living facility, but she is happy there. My great-grandma is there as well and so they get to eat lunch together and do things together which is nice. They love to play cards, and it’s a family tradition for all the gals to get together and play for dimes and pennies. I play too but I don’t have a “jar” yet. Each gal gets a jar once they play enough, and each one has their name on it. They are very serious about their games too. It’s fun to watch when the table is full. They all bicker so much, but in a loving way. It’s nice to see how close our slightly dysfunctional family is.
Anyways, I think that I really need to stop watching Supernatural soon, because quite honestly, that show scares the shit out of me sometimes. And other times, I sit there saying really? But yeah, seriously. I really do need to stop. It gives me way too many feelings for fictional charaters.
I’m finally at camp now and charging my computer so that I can blog tomorrow night too.  I’m starting to take some pictures. Definitely will take some more tomorrow morning. Oh yeah, and I’m taking no chances with that dang old camera. I brought eight more batteries just in case. That old thing seems to eat batteries faster than I can take a picture. 
Just watching the Olympics again. I don’t know why but there is just some nagging reason that I can’t pinpoint, I just don’t like Micheal Phelps. Sorry if that offends anyone, I just don’t like the man. I definitely admire his beautiful swimming abilities, me being an old competition swimmer, but I don’t  like him as a person.
I think I might hit the sack soon, I’m actually really tired. Anyways, Night.

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